shadcn/ui additional components and resources
Additions since original post :
10/07/2024 :
- Shadcn View Table
- Calendar Date Picker Component in Next.js
- Shadcn Address Autocomplete
24/06/2024 :
- Salad UI
23/06/2024 :
- Minimal Tiptap Editor
22/06/2024 :
- shadcn-tag-input was renamed emblor
12/05/2024 :
- sortable
- Planner
07/05/2024 :
- langui
29/04/2024 :
- shadcn-cal-com
- Multi select component
- Shadcn country region select
24/04/2024 :
- shadcn-phone-input
- @react-querybuilder/shadcn-ui
7/04/2024 :
- Flutter shadcn/ui
26/02/2024 :
- shadcnui-expansions
- Fancy Multi Select
- Fancy Box
- Fancy Area
25/02/2024 :
- shadcn-keyboard-shortcuts
- image-upload
shadcn/ui has become very popular due to its ease of use, clean ui and code.
I often need some extra components / libraries that are ready to use in a shadcn/ui project, and with time I gathered some great resources.
So here is a list of these components you may want to use in your projects !
If you find other useful resources, leave a comment below, and I’ll add them to the list.
A set of extra components built on top of shadcn/ui :
Fancy Multi Select
A Multi Select component inspired by’s and’s settings forms.
A keyboard shortcuts UI, with mac / PC variants.
Image upload
An image upload component with drag and drop, multiple uploads, and progress indicators.
Advanced Data Table
A set of utilities to create data tables with many useful helpers, and ability to make server-side sorting, filtering and pagination.
Shadcn View Table
Shadcn table component with server side sorting, pagination, filtering, and custom views.
Emblor (previously shadcn-tag-input)
An input UI for tags. Renamed to emblor.
Plate Rich Text Editor
A rich text editor. Still very young, but keep an eye on it.
Minimal Tiptap Editor
A minimal Tiptap Editor component built for Shadcn. It provides a simple and clean editor for users to write and format text.
Gradient Picker
A gradient / color / background picker.
Credenza Modal
A responsive modal component for desktop and mobile.
Another multi select component.
Shadcn Address Autocomplete
An address autocomplete component using Google Places API and shadcn components.
Enhanced Button
A version of the Button component with more variants.
Calendar Date Picker Component in Next.js
A calendar Date Picker Component made with Next.js.
Shadcn country region select
A country / region select input component.
Another phone input.
A sortable reusable sortable component with shadcn/ui and dnd-kit.
Unofficial react-querybuilder components for shadcn/ui.
I am the author of this one.
Awesome shadcn/ui
A curated list of additional shadcn/ui components and examples.
Next.js 14 Admin Dashboard Starter Template
A ready to use Next.js admin template using shadcn/ui for the UI.
Veryfront pre-made UI components
A list of pre made templates ready to be copied and pasted.
10000+ Themes for shadcn/ui
Lots of colors themes combinations.
shadcn Svelte
Svelte flavor of shadcn/ui.
shadcn Vue
Vue flavor of shadcn/ui.
React native reusables
A very good React native UI library inspired by shadcn/ui.
React native : nativecn-ui
Another React native implementation of shadcn/ui.
Flutter shadcn/ui
Shadcn UI for Flutter. Work in progress.
Salad UI
A port of shadc/ui to Phoenix Liveview Component.
Remix + Vite + shadcn/ui
A ready to use Remix template using shadcn/ui.
Figma Design System
This Figma file is the design companion to @shadcn’s incredible new UI system.
There is also another implementation here, with up to date components and dark mode :
VSCode Extension
A VSCode extension to install components without the terminal.
VSCode UI Snippets Extension
Snippets to easily insert premade JSX and imports.
If you find other resources, leave a comment below !